A few weeks ago Dr. Bakke attended, completed, and became certified in the use of a new surgical technique called the Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique™. He is one of 900 worldwide now certified to provide a special therapy to cover the roots of teeth that lost tissue due to gum recession. This special technique requires no stitches or scalpels and produces immediate results.
All on 4 – Fixed, screw retained porcelain bridge
This is a technique using precisely placed dental implants so a one piece Hybrid Healing appliance (teeth) can be screwed to the implants on day one. After healing is complete, a final, fixed one piece zirconia (porcelain) bridge can be placed.
Advantages are numerous:
1. Screw retained allows removal of the appliance to check implants directly or easily make any repairs.
2. Oral tissue does better with zirconia than metals
3. Can convert most denture, over-denture and hybrid acrylic appliances to fixed zirconia appliances.
4. Lower costs than traditional metal/porcelain bridges due to lab technology advances that produce the zirconia appliances.
5. Minimal to no bone grafting required which reduces the total costs.
Since Dr. Bakke places the implants and designs the hybrid to final appliances, a seamless sequence of treatment can be provided.