World Class Dentistry® Blog

Does Your Smile Really Reveal the REAL You?

Does Your Smile Really Reveal the REAL You?

Do any of these scenarios sound familiar to you? You’re at a family wedding and the photographer aims the lens at you. Panic sets in. You’re posing for a new professional headshot and you smile with a closed mouth, hoping it looks natural. You’re conversing with a new...

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Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique™

Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique™

A few weeks ago Dr. Bakke attended, completed, and became certified in the use of a new surgical technique called the Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique™. He is one of 900 worldwide now certified to provide a special therapy to cover the roots of teeth that lost tissue...

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How Poor Gum Health Can Cause Heart Disease

How Poor Gum Health Can Cause Heart Disease

Most people are shocked to learn that half of all heart attack and stroke victims have normal blood cholesterol levels. Cholesterol levels used to be the gold standard in predicting the chances of developing heart disease. Today, new findings linking cardiovascular...

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Looking for a New Smile for the New Year?

Looking for a New Smile for the New Year?

No Prep Lumineers™vs Regular Veneers: Pros and Cons Through the years I’ve had many patients ask about the difference in veneers. Lumineers™ is a trademarked name for a brand of veneer that is made by Den Mat laboratories in California. Den Mat has been a dental...

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A Different Type of Bone

A Different Type of Bone

Actonel, Boniva, Fosamax, Zometta Bisphosphonate’s ALL DENTISTS TAKE PRECAUTIONS WITH PATIENTS WHO NEED EXTRACTIONS WHEN THEY ARE TAKING ONE OF THE DRUGS MENTIONED ABOVE. The drugs known as BISPHOSPHONATES (B-DRUGS) are used in the treatment of Padget’s Disease,...

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